Monday, June 11, 2007

PUMPKIN PIE!!! hurhur

haha had Proteomics paper over. keke Hmm no bad la quite easy haha i am afraid of BTN ahaha i din realli listen in lecture and i dun realli hav notes lolx omg..after the paper, went out with mother goose (see weng), fishball (jia ling) and Green Monster (Gurion) hoho Went to PS to catch POTC. So nice lee the movie hoho. Me n weng smuggled AeroVeradrink inside lolx...and hor i spent plenty if effort in the mids of the movie trying to poke n get the aero vera out to eat leh..omg so difficult movie still got challange one... hoho i feel so retarted haha. We were saeing...watching POTC in Big screen is better compared to 'small screen' at hm. coz of coz he ships looks bigger ...Lol and can c all the details of the characters...esp. David Jones lol Tat guy with the octopus head lol...can c his nostrils at the side there open n close open n close lol so distracting lolx after movie we went to Tomson road to meet beybey and NIck for Suan cai steamboat ..hoho we took bus from the wrg side and end up in tanjong Pagar instead hoho Then change n took 167 haha..We reach there very late lee..bey n NIck started eating lee hoho two guys sitting on a big round ROMANTIC!! I was laughing like nuts usual haha its was veri funni alrite..nt becoz I ate wrg med RaWr!! Bey took out this hotdog frm the steamboat and it was bloated and beybey starts laughin…n there goes everyone’s imagination!!![its quite obvious wat we were nid go in details] Lolx Hope to go suan cai soon keke miss the mango pudding, beef and pumpkin pie already keke

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